Do you feel like something is missing in your life, or that it is difficult for you to find your place in the world, or that you are carrying a burden that seems too heavy to be just yours? From […]
Who is the person most excluded in families? It is the father. According to Bert Hellinger, mothers have a tendency to pull their children in towards them, distancing them from their father, which also distances them from the world and […]
What is vanishing twin syndrome? The term vanishing twin is used when one of the fetuses in a multigestation pregnancy dies in utero and is either miscarried, reabsorbed into the uterine lining of the mother or into the living twin. […]
The couple relationship gives us the opportunity of experiencing love outside our blood ties and can be one of the greatest sources of joy or of pain in our lives. When we begin a relationship with someone, we do not […]
Even though siblings come from the same family system, they develop different personalities, have different destinies, and sometimes find it hard to get along. There is a subconscious, indissoluble bond that connects siblings and lasts forever, regardless of what your […]
What does it mean to “take our parents” and why is it important? In Family Constellations we use this term to mean an inner embracing, a deep integration of our parents within us, just as they are and were. This […]
Who can give you the strength to materialize your goals in life? Your father. When you think of your father, you may notice that certain feelings or sensations arise within you. Take a moment to tune into them, and see […]
Who can open the portal that leads to abundance? Your mother. When we reject our mother, it is as if we were also rejecting abundance in our lives. That is why healing the mother wound is important to attract abundance […]
Do you have a vocation, a line of work that you are passionate about? Is there a difference between vocation vs profession? I think of a vocation as a calling to do something where you can use your natural abilities […]