What is Family Constellations?

Family Constellations is a groundbreaking methodology to free yourself from the damaging repetitive patterns, behaviours and emotions that are limiting your life in some way today that you have unconsciously taken on from your family system..
  • Do you sometimes feel that you are not living your life to your full potential?
  • Do you feel like you are being held back somehow?
  • Have you been weighed down by persisting emotions of fear, anger, anxiety, depression, sadness or guilt?
  • Are you experiencing relationship troubles, financial hardship, professional struggles, addiction or self sabotage?
If so, you have probably been searching. . .books, workshops, videos, therapy or coaching, and even though you have learned a lot, you still have not been able break free.

What if it was not just about you!

What if some of it came from something much deeper, from unresolved traumas or unprocessed emotions from your family system that you have picked up subconsciously out of a very powerful love and loyalty to them?
Most of the issues you face today stem from unresolved events and unprocessed emotions from your family that you probably don't know about and are passed down across generations.
Once the hidden dynamics behind the issue that is holding you back are seen from a completely different perspective, they are transformed, for you, your children and future generations.
Simply put, Family Constellations is a powerful method to transform your relationship with your family, work, vitality, money and life by releasing you from the entanglements that are holding you back.

What is this work based on?

Just like there are laws working in the universe (i.e. The law of relativity, polarity, cause and effect, etc.), there are laws known as the 'orders of love' operating in your family system. They are affecting you today in ways that you are not even aware of. The reason is that they are working in your subconscious.

Some of the Benefits of Family Constellations

  • Releasing the blockages that are holding you back
  • Freeing you, your children and their offspring from generational burdens
  • Increasing your empathy, love and compassion for yourself and others
  • Developing the strength and wisdom to deal with death and loss in life
  • Creating positive shifts in your relationships (parents, partner, children, colleagues, friends, etc.)
  • Transforming your relationship with money, finances and abundance
  • Aligning your mind, body and soul
  • Developing inner peace with your past and who you are today
  • Acquiring clarity in who you are and what you want in life
  • Having the strength and drive to pursue your goals
  • Opening yourself to life and feeling more energy and vitality
  • Transforming your family story into a story of success
  • Clearing the impact of transgenerational trauma in your life

What happens in Family Constellations?

Family Constellations can be explored in groups or individually. In groups, the trained facilitator selects a person from the group who wishes to work on something they want to shift in their life. This constellation will serve the entire group, because it will connect with ancestral memories in all members.
After briefly mentioning the issue and answering some strategic questions, (without getting into the "story"), the client or facilitator chooses members of the group (whom the seeker does not know) to represent different family members, or the issue itself, or related components, in order to uncover the hidden dynamics behind it.
Members, simply by intention, connect to what is known as the knowing field, the family soul, and are able to perceive sensations in their bodies, impulses or feelings about other members that help to bring to light what is not known consciously. Once the unconscious loyalties are seen, healing soul sentences may be used to restore the flow of love in the family system and experience it, and everything that happened with an open heart.
Constellations shift the inner image we have been carrying of what happened to us and restore a new empowering image that settles in our soul and creates shifts in our lives sometimes instantly and others over time. In group Family Constellations, everyone present receives insights and shifts, whether setting up one´s own constellation, participating as a representative in other's constellations or observing mindfully.

What People Are Saying...

  • Minyong K
    I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude to you. I really loved and appreciated my experience with family constellation with you. What an amazing and powerful way to heal and liberate!
    Minyong K
  • Adriana R.
    After my first family constellation with Marina I felt a great shift in my energy regarding my parents, especially my father. I have been working consistently to receive my father back into my life, through our classes and exercises. This past night my oldest daughter had a very symbolic dream where she is with her dad (my ex-husband) cleaning her feelings towards him. She woke up with a memory of a day her dad helped her and she realized her dad does love her. As I work my relationship with my father, my daughter also feels touched by this energy field and wants to shift the perception (criticism/judgments) she holds against her dad.
    Adriana R.
  • Susan S.
    I would like to thank you very much for the level I training / personal development of Hellinger Family Constellations.  It was out of my expectation.  I have learned a lot about relationships, family puzzle (as I call it!) and you!  Isn’t it wonderful to experience our thoughts (or better say the impact of people on us in our personal life) without being interacting physically with them?  What you are practicing and teaching in your Hellinger institute is saving lives of persons that they are seeking a better solution rather than hurting their love ones or themselves.  You are helping people to heel their pain and learn the method for life!  I am stunned how effective the workshop can be!
    Susan S.
  • Stephen D.
    I have been at a few constellations lead by you over the last year and a half and have been truly surprised each time. During and after each workshop major shifts take place in my life and the life of my family. Never knowing what will happen, each time I grow and I find myself becoming the person I want to be more and more. The work helps me focus on what's important as that is brought to the surface. It keeps me focused on what is. The connection I find with people there is up-lifting. It feels more like a spring board in my spiritual journey.
    Stephen D.
  • Jill Tusek
    It was a great experience to do a constellation with you and it definitely has made a change in my life.
    Jill Tusek
  • Gala Rabinovich
    I'd like to thank you for last Thursday evening's family constellations workshop. That was exactly what I needed, even though I did not have my own constellation done. The big progress for me was on one of somebody else's situations, when I was just sitting and watching the constellation. Since Friday morning I feel very peaceful and calm inside. Again a very warm thank you for that.
    Gala Rabinovich
  • Oxana
    I want to say thank you for today's session! It was very spiritually releasing and a soul enhancing experience. I feel different.
  • Nawal Yousif
    Hi Marina, I would like to say the class has changed my life, I cannot thank you enough. I now recommend it to everyone I know. Thanks again.
    Nawal Yousif
  • Martha Lopez
    It was a real pleasure to meet you on the Workshop. It was quite an experience, it really helped me to understand the reason that my mother and my father were the way they were. It was so clear not only when I did my family constellation, but when I saw the pain of other people that were on similar situations like my parents. I felt that any judgment that I still had for my parents was lifted as well as judgment for myself and some other people. I feel lighter now. Thanks ever so much for helping me and helping so many people through this amazing method and with your energy, light and love that definitely are great and make us feel so good.
    Martha Lopez
  • Isabelle Moreau
    I have had this incredible sense of peace since the last session. Connecting so deeply with the collective field has been a peak experience. Such peace. Such subtle strength. I also LOVED the meditation!
    Isabelle Moreau
  • Darren Steiner
    I just wanted to let you know how deeply moved and touched I was by the last Family Constellation Workshop. I have never experienced anything quite like it. You have an amazing gift that is going to help so many people, you are truly an inspiration to me and i'm sure so many others. It was an honour and a pleasure to have been a part of this and I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart!
    Darren Steiner
  • Rachel Swift
    I want to thank you Marina for introducing me to the power of family constellation work. I had experienced several wondrous energy shifts after having two constellations done myself. I felt lighter and more open to life and love. The biggest surprise came after my third individual session. Both my parents have passed away and have been gone several years now. A few weeks after doing my third constellation I opened a letter from a dear old friend with a decade old picture of my two parents smiling at me arm in arm. The friend had been going through old pictures and felt moved to copy that one and send it to me out of the blue! It warmed my heart and truly felt like a hug from beyond.
    Rachel Swift