What are Family Constellations?
Family Constellations is a ground-breaking methodology to free yourself from the damaging repetitive patterns, behaviours and emotions that are limiting your life in some way today and you have unconsciously taken on from your family system.
What are some of the benefits of Family Constellations?

Shift in Perspective
- Seeing your life through a new lens
- Gaining clarity about who you are and what´s important to you in life
- Developing the strength and wisdom to navigate through life´s challenges.
- Feeling energized and making the most out of your life

Generational Healing
- Clearing the impact of transgenerational trauma in your life
- Freeing you, your children and their offspring from generational entanglements
- Identifying and dissolving the loyalties and blockages that are holding you back
- Transforming your family story into a story of success

Loving Consciously
- Creating positive shifts in your relationships (parents, partner, children, etc.)
- Increasing your empathy, love and compassion for yourself and others
- Restoring the flow of love and strength in your family system
- Turning damaging blind love into conscious love

Freedom to Be You
- Aligning your mind, body and soul to eliminate self-sabotage
- Having the drive to pursue your goals
- Being at peace with your past and who you are today
- Embracing your special resources, gifts and talents

Family Constellations Experiences
There are 6 ways for you to gain the benefits of Family Constellations with me, depending on your personal preferences. Although based in Toronto, Canada, Family Constellations workshop and trainings travel with me to different parts of the world where you are invited to join me! Also, you can experience this work online from the comfort of your home, or wherever you happen to be in the world.
Family Constellations Workshops
In-Person & OnlineIn group experiences everyone present receives insights and benefits, whether setting up one´s constellation, representing for others or observing mindfully. I offer three types of workshops:
Ready for a Shift in-Person: In these 1-day workshops in person, we set up constellations on any issue that arises for participants.
Ready for a Shift Online: In these 3-hour workshops, we set up constellations on any issue Online.
Thematic 2-day Transformational Workshops: Using Family Constellations and other leading-edge methodologies, we focus on a particular theme, such as the workshop for women called The Light of the Moon, the workshop to heal the relationship with the father and the masculine called The Light of the Sun, Creating Fulfilling Relationships and The Hidden Forces of Money, Wealth and Abundance.
Family Constellations Trainings
In-Person & OnlineFamily Constellations Trainings are primarily a deep inner journey.
Training modules can be taken if you are interested in your own personal development and in transgenerational healing.
Trainings are also designed for people who wish to explore a career as Family Constellators.
They are also excellent for professionals who are working with people (coaches, therapists, healthcare providers, teachers, counselors, etc.) so they can incorporate Family Constellations into their current practice.
The training consists of 3 levels and 12 modules with theoretical, experiential and practical components.
All the modules are cyclical and are offered on an ongoing basis so you can join now.
Family Constellations
In-Person & OnlineWe work together, just you and I.
Instead of having other people as representatives, we use figurines or footsteps in a personalized, intimate setting.
Individual sessions are as effective as group sessions and ideal for people who are unable to go to a group, who prefer not to speak about their issue in front of others or who wish to go deeper into this work after a group session.
In one-on-one family constellations sessions there is a questionnaire to fill out prior to our meeting. Please send it back to me at least 48 hours prior to our appointment. If you do not know how to answer some of the questions, do not worry, as all of the information is within you.
Get the extra support you need at any time from anywhere in the world by booking an online session.