What are Family Constellations?

Family Constellations is a ground-breaking methodology to free yourself from the damaging repetitive patterns, behaviours and emotions that are limiting your life in some way today and you have unconsciously taken on from your family system.

What are some of the benefits of Family Constellations?

Shift in Perspective

  • Seeing your life through a new lens
  • Gaining clarity about who you are and what´s important to you in life
  • Developing the strength and wisdom to navigate through life´s challenges.
  • Feeling energized and making the most out of your life

Generational Healing

  • Clearing the impact of transgenerational trauma in your life
  • Freeing you, your children and their offspring from generational entanglements
  • Identifying and dissolving the loyalties and blockages that are holding you back
  • Transforming your family story into a story of success

Loving Consciously

  • Creating positive shifts in your relationships (parents, partner, children, etc.)
  • Increasing your empathy, love and compassion for yourself and others
  • Restoring the flow of love and strength in your family system
  • Turning damaging blind love into conscious love

Freedom to Be You

  • Aligning your mind, body and soul to eliminate self-sabotage
  • Having the drive to pursue your goals
  • Being at peace with your past and who you are today
  • Embracing your special resources, gifts and talents

Family Constellations Experiences

There are 6 ways for you to gain the benefits of Family Constellations with me, depending on your personal preferences. Although based in Toronto, Canada, Family Constellations workshop and trainings travel with me to different parts of the world where you are invited to join me! Also, you can experience this work online from the comfort of your home, or wherever you happen to be in the world.